Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Countdown to the Lily Festival 23rd 24th July 2011

Can't believe last blog was in May - guess I am not a technophobe!

As we approach Day Lily Festival time this year its with a bit of disappointment.  Our lily field is looking very different this year - last year we were praying that the buds would not pop to early, this year we are praying that they swell and make a show.  I think we are at least 2 weeks behind.  We had a little flush of the early yellows but as Stephen was rototilling up there yesterday (and being bitten alive) I walked and the buds that are there are still tight and small.

WE NEED HEAT ..... guess its a double edged sword, if its too hot to garden no body comes in to see us but if we don't get a week of nice warm days with a bit of rain splashing in we might not have good color for the 23/24th,

But we have some nice plant material on the property so come on over and take a look.  Annuals are all but done but some great perennials and some nice shrubs - the Hydrangeas are looking very showy.

I am also doing the new Organic Huntsville Market on Saturday mornings - its at Rivermill Park (where the new kids playground is behind Main Street) - think its a great venue and some fabulous vendors.  I am taking Lilies and some nice herbs we grew and soon tomatoes ... Kelly has had us growing tomatoes for a while now - we would have had more but Stephen kept selling the plants!

Will blog again tomorrow .... field update.

Taken 4th July but no fireworks here yet....

Getting the pots ready - they will all be 25% off

I love this color astilbe

Incredibelle Hydrangea and Anabelles ... beautiful

The Fairy Rose - so pretty

Knotweed - I love this plant taken at dusk

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