Monday, August 23, 2010

Crystal Bowl Workshops this weekend!

Crystal Singing Bowls . . . Canada

Advance Tickets

Workshop 1: Crystal Singing Bowls, Chakra Energy Centres and Life Lessons

Join us in a workshop which will resonate with your truth and raise your “Knowing” to a new level of awareness. A Crystal Singing Bowl is one of the most beautiful forms of Vibrational Therapy. Ann will provide basic information on sound vibration and its effect on physical and energetic bodies. Have you ever wondered why the same “lessons” keep coming around? Learn about the relationship between the chakra energy centres and the life lessons you are meant to learn; start to break the cycle of returning lessons by understanding why the lessons keep returning.

There will be opportunities for discussion, sharing and, of course, playing the bowls.

Sat. August 28, 2010 from 10am-12pm

Sponsored by: Fern Glen Farm and Garden Center

Concert: The Sacred Sound of Unconditional Love -

A Concert of Crystal Singing Bowls to Celebrate the Full Moon

Ann invites you to feel safe, accepted and loved unconditionally. Bring a lawn chair or lounger, lay down and let the sound wash over you. You can even bring a blanket and pillow to recreate the warm safe embrace of the womb. In this safe and gentle environment the luminous sound of Crystal Singing Bowls will realign the physical and etheric bodies into harmonic healing and balance.

Ann brings over 30 Crystal Singing Bowls to this concert, which will be as unique as the individuals who attend. The tones and sounds which come into being are in direct response to the needs of those in attendance. The safe and sacred space allows Crystal Singing Bowls to lift us to a state of altered consciousness where deep healing can occur. The group intent for joyful healing amplifies the power of the bowls and aligns our energy centers. You will experience inner peace, reduced stress and pure joy.

An evening of joyful harmony awaits you on: Sat. August 28, 2010 from 6pm-8pm


Call Terri at

705 636-0927

or email

Ticket at the door $50

Advance Ticket $45

Save even more:

Workshop and Concert $60

Cost $25 (at the door)

Location: Fern Glen Farm & Garden Center

48 Masons Rd, Emsdale (just north of Huntsville)

Ann Reeves

Sat. August 28, 2010

Celebrate the Full Moon

Join us in this opportunity to celebrate the past and open doors for the future.

The full moon symbolises our expectation for abundance, harmony and luck.

Workshop 2: Crystal Singing Bowls: Soul Zipper

If you are on the path of self discovery this workshop is designed to take you to your next level of soul development. While on this physical plane; a change in your life is inevitable. The Soul Zipper will provide you with the self knowledge and confidence needed for growth. We use the Crystal Singing Bowls to unlock chakra centres to expose the truths we learned as a child. Truths from childhood have become our base for life's decisions.

Maturation changes perceptions and we recognize on an intellectual level that there are certain truths which are different that those truths learned as a child. Intellectual knowing is not the same as knowing in the heart and soul. Until these truths are in harmony, life will be in conflict and growth will be limited. This workshop is for those who are ready to recognize their life lessons and deal with them from a base of safety and security.

Sat. August 28, 2010 from 2pm-4pm

Ticket at the door $50

Advance Ticket $45

Save even more:

Both Workshops & Concert $100

Combo Tickets

Workshop - $45

Concert - $25

1 Workshop

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