Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring in the UK where the daffodils were almost done!!!

Hi Everyone,

I had to go away for a couple of weeks at the end of March to the UK to help in a family emergency. Unfortunately had to spend more time dealing with that than going to garden centres or meandering through the gardens of historical estates which is my first love. I had forgotten just how wonderful Spring can be .... too many months of horrible snow and cold blotted out the memory banks. It did not help that it was a blizzard the weekend I got back

Hampstead Heath April 2011

I had one afternoon with and old girlfriend who took me for a walk on Hampstead Heath passing all the little cottages (at over $1million dollars each) with their pretty planters and hundreds of daffodils everywhere. The bluebells were almost finished but I found a couple of patches and took a couple of snaps. Kenwood House was resplendent with its meadow of daffodils and magnolia tree.

Kenwood House from Daffodil Meadow

Can't take credit for this I stole this snap from the web!

The Magnolia trees were MAGNIFICENT - pity we can't grow them up here, darn the frost. With London being almost a zone 9 its no wonder they are so happy. Travelling on the buses you see lots of them in many peoples front gardens, how lucky they are but I guess by the time I left they were getting pretty messy.

Magnolia in Highgate

The pity is I did not take more shots but here are just the few that I have to remind you what we still have to look forward to.