Monday, June 8, 2009

We decided as a team that we would start short days in the greenhouse early April as it was stil very cold. Lots of our bare root product had arrived and needed to be attended to.

It was so good to be back with our hands in the dirt and as we had not been all together for a few months there was lots of gossip to catch up on too!

Lynn, Lynda, Francine and I had plenty of laughs on those cold days and we soon transformed our old greenhouse into a hive of activity.

Well it seems that winter flew by - and before we knew it there were trade shows to go to and orders to attend to. In early January we had a couple of intense days of trying to predict what we needed to order, some items were already sold out - can you believe. Its always so hard to guess what the economy was going to do. Doom and gloom was all we were hearing, plus there was still a heck of a lot of snow outside.